The official blog of John Quinn's media effects research study! Ever wondered why some people bash each others brains out in the garden after watching wrestling?........if so read on...oh and its best to read this page from the bottom upwards!!

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Thoughts on today's PgCert meeting

Today was the first real chance I've had to look at actual PhD's, and I have to say that on first inspection they look a helluva intimidating, but as with everything, once you delve into them they are not so scary. One interesting topic that did come out of the meeting was that it is possible that my study might be too wide, so on reflection would it be best to concentrate on testing one particular theory against backyard wrestling (Evolutionary Psychology for instance)? or should I still go with trying to locate differences in the nexus of SCC between backyard wrestlers?.....a conundrum....I'll consult John Robertson.

However a definite to come out of the meeting is that for now my focus will be on Evolutionary Psychology, but only after I talk a little about Berger's position on Smackdown (my next post)

1 comment:

The Supreme Director of Studies said...

Too many theories?
At the end, yes, but at this stage, consider them all.
Justify a best fit then but only after thorough evaluation and maybe even piloting against some early data.